Saturday, April 19, 2014

Critical Thinking Blog Post #3

Research Paper Topic Brainstorming
For the research paper I have chose the idea #6 "Portraying Robots (or Human Clones) in Film. The reason why I am choosing this idea is because I like to watch science fiction movies. today, we depend on technology and I do not see the future without it even though a lot of people refuses to use it. From our smartphones to our cars we have robots that live and work beside us. For example: we can pay our bills through the phone, on the computer we can talk to a robot that look just like a human. I am trying to decide from the movie "The Terminator" by James Cameron or "I, Robot" by  Isaac Asimov. Both movies depict  robots as a threat to the humanity throughout the movie. I wonder if in the future robots will take over humans just like the movies.


Friday, April 18, 2014

Critical Thinking Post #2

Does "Popular Science" Today Awe Us, Inspire Us or         Threaten Us?

            The show "Cosmos: A Space time Odyssey" presents the magnificence of the space and Earth through amazing visuals and graphics. He explains about evolution, natural selection, DNA, genes, etc. Also, he explains the privation faced by Bruno because of his beliefs that the sun was the center and other planets were around it.
                  I think that the tone of the documentary is very optimistic because the objective is to inform the audience, but some people might not think the same about humanistic values since our existence in this universe is very small. I always been open minded about science and it just they way you want to look at it.  The idea of watching this show is that you are not in the same place as you would be watching a TV documentary because the use of graphics makes the universe to look bigger, so this show definitely gives a different view of science.
                   I learned a lot about our place in this universe and by watching this documentary I have realized that "Popular Science" really awe us and inspire us because it is amazing how this show can get the viewer's attention by the amazing graphics. I am the kind of person that does not like to read, but this is a great opportunity to educate yourself and I am sure there are more people that think in the same way.